STAR Academy: The Most Fun Sensory Learning Center in Myrtle Beach

star academy: sensory learning center

It is hard to describe STAR Academy in just one simple phrase. But at it’s core, it is a place for all kids, all ages, all abilities to feel comfortable, loved and supported –– and have fun!

We need more of this in the Grand Strand so I’d love to highlight what they’re doing!

what star academy is all about

ADDRESS: 647 Main Street, NMB

HOURS: Generally Mon–Sun, 10am–6pm but always check the calendar because they have classes, birthday parties, therapies and other things that may limit open play. 

GOOD FOR: All kids, all ages and all abilities will find something here. 

Check our their website and facebook page to keep up with all their offerings and see their weekly schedule.










open play at star academy

Open play at STAR is such a great option for babies and toddlers and school-aged kids. It provides a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment. The center is a really good size to allow for age-appropriate free play and exploration, especially for the young kids who might be overwhelmed at a larger indoor play center. 

It’s full of soft play, climbers, slides, swings, interactive busy boards, puzzles and games, and more. Open play is $24 for a 2-hour session or packages can be purchased for discounted pricing. Ask about other special discounts for locals, homeschooling families, military/first responders, etc. 

family & me classes + preschool at STar

STAR Academy hosts classes weekly. Currently, there are two options:

FAMILY & ME | This is run by Jessica of Mommy & Me in the Forest. It’s best suited for babies and toddlers who want music, crafts, dancing and some free play time. $15 for a single session or $80 for a package of 6. Happens on Thursdays from 9:30a–10:30a.

Ready-Set-Go Preschool | Mondays from 10a–12p with a second day option coming. This class is perfect for kids ages 3-5 and focuses on the foundations of preschool readiness: learning like fine motor skills, recognizing and communicating emotions, and letter/number identification. Sign-up for the whole semester or drop in weekly as space allows. This is also a great time to meet other moms!

more offerings at star academy

AFTERNOON  DROP OFF | Week days from 3–6pm. Kids love STAR in the afternoons –– they can play, do homework in the sensory friendly chill rooms, take a group outing to the park or play outside in the courtyard. Daily or weekly rates available.

BIRTHDAY PARTIES | Rent the whole space for an incredible b-day party!

MONTHLY EDUCATION SERIES | Each month STAR hosts a local specialist to educate and support parents with a different topic related to education and play-based learning. 

THERAPY SESSIONS | Several local therapists use the space for sessions with clients. Check out those options on the website.

meet joanne, star academy owner

Joanne, the owner of STAR Academy, has spent 30+ years in special education, advocating for kids with learning disabilities and those navigating high emotional trauma/crisis situations. 

She now, in addition to running all things at STAR, she spends time educating and advocating on the benefits of play-based learning throughout Horry and Georgetown County. This center is the culmination of her life’s work.

go give them a visit!

They are always hosting themed family-friendly events, extra open play for days when school is out, and summer camps. 

Be sure to pop in to check the place out. Mention Moms of Myrtle for 15% off an Open Play session. And you must sit in the wonderful Chill Out spot… It’s not limited to just the kids!!!