Horry County Foster Care Crisis: 103 Kids Without Local Housing

January 20, 2025

horry county foster care crisis

It’s been over a year since we first wrote about Horry County’s foster care needs and sadly the situation has only gotten worse. In November 2023 the county need about 85 more homes to meet the growing need for foster care. Now we need 103 more homes with the biggest need still being families who can accept siblings. 

Read on to get the top line highlights again and for info on how you can help.

Thornwell is a local nonprofit that provides safe and nurturing environments to support children and families. One of the primary ways they do that is by licensing adults to serve in the foster care system.

a quick refresher: foster care basics

CHILDREN ARE REMOVED from their parent/guardian when it has been deemed unsafe due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. 

THESE KIDS NEED A SUPPORTIVE PLACE TO LAND and the ideal setting is with a relative but many times that is not possible. When extended family can’t be secured the child enters the foster care system.

ONE OF THE SADDEST REALITIES OF FOSTER CARE IS SPLITTING UP SIBLINGS. During such a traumatizing and isolating time, many young children will be further traumatized when they’re separated from their sibling(s) because too few foster families are able to take in multiple children. In fact, this is the greatest need in the foster care system –– families who are able to accept siblings.

FOSTER FAMILIES PROVIDE A SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT for children who desperately need a place to heal while their parents work to be reunited with them.

FOSTER CARE IS TEMPORARY — FAMILY REUNIFICATION IS THE GOAL. Many parents will be successfully reunited with their child(ren) and your sacrificial role as a foster parent can make this difficult chapter easier for a precious child.

meet kristie –
a local principal and foster mom

Kristie is a local elementary school principal and single foster mom to a 12-child. Kristie did not let her busy career, singleness, or fear stop her from meeting the need she sees every day

WHO CAN FOSTER | Any family can foster – single, married, partners, with kids, without kids, etc. Individuals who heed the call can put parameters on what age/abilities/etc will fit best in their family and can always say no to certain placement requests. 

MANY FAMILIES EVEN START WITH SHORT TERM CARE as a way to learn more about themselves as foster parents and still meet critical needs.

THE KEY MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR is the desire to create a safe, stable and loving environment where children can heal, grow and thrive.


If you’ve been considering fostering for a while, or even just since reading this, then you’re on a beautiful path. It is not a decision to be made lightly but it can be helpful to ask questions, find resources and know what the process looks like.

A 30-minute call is a great next step. Their licensing specialists can answer your questions and help you decide on next steps. You can setup that call here.