After School Child Care Options in Myrtle Beach, SC

Here is a list of the after school care options in the Grand Strand. Listings from our partners are at the top then options are listed by geo from north to south.

programs from our partners

north myrtle + little river

Star Academy | This center sensory friendly center caters to kids of all ages and abilities. The after-school program is designed specifically for kids ages 5–10. Children will enjoy crafts, a quiet center, homework help, games, outdoor play, and all the fun of the indoor sensory center. Offering daily or weekly rates.

central myrtle

THE YMCA | Myrtle Beach, Pawleys Island and Georgetown branches offer after school care either at local elementary schools or at the YMCA branch. Kids can stay until 6pm and enjoy a snack, homework time, indoor and outdoor activities, arts, STEM, and more. Rates vary for members and non-members.

THE LEARNING STATION | Locations in Conway, Forestbrook and McCormick Road. Transportation available from school. Highly trained staff offers homework help, interactive activities, indoor and outdoor play, STEAM and other age-appropriate experiments. 

NOW KIDS | Located in the Market Common, this faith-based program provides care for kids from K4 up to 6th grade. They provide transportation and care until 6pm. Plus they’re open from 7a–6p on teacher workdays and minor holidays. 


The Learning Station | Locations in Conway, Forestbrook and McCormick Road. Transportation available from school. Highly trained staff offers homework help, interactive activities, indoor and outdoor play, STEAM and other age-appropriate experiments. 

south strand

DUSTIN JOHNSON GOLF ACADEMY | For ages 5–13. Kids participate in 4 sessions per month to improve upon the skills of the game. Groups are separated by age and options for Tues, Wed or Sat are available.

THE YMCA | Myrtle Beach, Pawleys Island and Georgetown branches offer after school care either at local elementary schools or at the YMCA branch. Kids can stay until 6pm and enjoy a snack, homework time, indoor and outdoor activities, arts, STEM, and more. Rates vary for members and non-members.

additional resources

ON-SITE SCHOOL CAREMany Horry County elementary schools offer a program for kids to receive after-school care on their campus. This information will be posted on your elementary school’s website.