the huntington beach state park kite festival
2024 marks the 3rd Annual HBSP Kite Festival. We’ve attended each year and it keeps getting better and better. Here is what to expect at the Huntington Beach State Park Kite Festival.
Date: March 23-24
Time: 11a–4p
Admission: Standard park admission price applies. Park passport will give entry w/o additional charge.
Key Features: Music, food vendors, big fancy kites and amateurs, petting zoo, bounce houses, kite crafts, and more.
good to know info
GETTING IN | This is a newer event for HBSP but it’s still very popular and will be crowded. Parking fills up quickly and even a pretty early arrival might mean parking so far away. Last year you could walk down Straight Road or catch a golf cart shuttle. I’ve seen a lot of clearing in HBSP’s overflow parking areas these last few months so we’ll see how that improves the situation.
ACTIVITIES | In prior years there has been plenty to please the kids –– a petting zoo, a make your own kite craft, bounce houses, food, music, and just sitting on the beach playing and watching kites. Most things were free –– but expect certain activities to cost extra (petting zoo and face painting).
BRING BLANKETS & CHAIRS | If you want to stay and watch kites for a while then plan on bringing your beach chairs or a blanket. There are two zones for flying kites – a professional and an amateur. And there is a space zone it is safe to have chairs. It will be roped/marked as such.
THE PRO KITE FLYERS | There are a handful of elaborate kites and a few professional flyers. If you picture the sky completely filled with kites then you may be disappointed –– although the turnout could be much larger this year, who knows! Nonetheless, the big impressive ones are cool to see and the pro flyers are fun to watch!
YOU CAN FLY YOUR OWN KITE | There is an amateur section to fly kites so be sure to bring one if you want in on the fun!
It’s a fun way to spend the day and we’re big fans of this annual event!