YMCA of Coastal Carolina: Serving the Local Community

November 27, 2023

the ymca of coastal carolina

Local YMCA branches carry out the work that transforms communities and our YMCA of Coastal Carolina is no different. They don’t toot their own horn enough –– so we’ll take a moment to do it for them!

Did you know?

A NONPROFIT THAT GIVES BACK | In 2023 the YMCA gave over $200,000 in financial assistance for individuals and families needing help to cover membership costs and other programs. 1 out of ever 4 kids in summer camp and after-school care is on a financial scholarship. The Y is committed to ensuring that finances are not a barrier to anyone seeking health and wellness.

WHO GETS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE | Anyone in certain income ranges can apply. The YMCA uses a scale to evaluate need and the corresponding scholarship amount. Applications are available at all three Coastal Carolina YMCA branches. More info here.

2023 hope & possibilities fund

The reason the YMCA is able to offer this financial assistance is because of the gifts of generous members and others in the community.

Right now the YMCA is in the midst of their 2023 Hope & Possibilities Fund with a goal of $25,000. If you’d like to donate in support of that then the link is below:

YMCA EMPLOYEES ON WHY THEY GIVE | The employees of the Coastal Carolina YMCA love their jobs and giving to the YMCA. The Y creates a core community and if you’ve ever been a member of one then you understand the power and connection. We’re thankful for the role these people play in serving the Grand Strand.

your gift supports three initiatives

1 – youth development

“Nurturing the potential of every child and teen” 

NEW PROGRAM FOR TEENS & TWEENS | The Tidelands Health Pawleys Family branch is launching a 12-week course open to kids ages 9-17 to support them in developing healthy eating and exercise habits tailored for their unique needs. 

ONGOING PROGRAMS | The backbone of this initiative lies in these ongoing programs: Jumpstart Preschool, Afterschool Care, Summer Camps, and Schools Day Out CampThe sports programs further nurture a child’s holistic development. There are many others, be sure to check their website.


“Improving our community’s health and well-being”

WELLNESS CENTERS | The home and hub of the YMCA is the wellness centers. Depending on the size of a branch they’ll have a weight room, cardio equipment space, spin studio, indoor pool, walking track, racquetball/pickleball courts, basketball courts, and more. 

OTHER ADULT OFFERINGS | The YMCA also offers adult sports, a day spa, and other specialty programs to support individuals with special conditions or needs. Those programs called “Moving is Medicine” work with patients referred by their physicians and can support individuals recovering from a stroke, surgery, dementia, or various other movement disorders. 


Giving back and providing support for our neighbors”

A NONPROFIT AT THE CORE | The YMCA partners with volunteers and public and private donors to give back to the community. The Y offers discounted membership and programming to hundreds of individuals in the local community each year. Inquire about financial assistance here.

FUNDRAISING EVENTS | The Y holds several fundraising events each year to support the Y’s initiatives. 

keep up with all things at the ymca